“The Climbing Brothers” by Khelvin
It is a typical day of spring. The sun is shining. The air is warm, and me and Connor are on our way to our favorite tree. Connor and I have known each other for two and a half years and have been climbing together ever since. He’s like a brother to me.
Whenever we’re bored we like to climb trees close along Driftwood Ave and meet each other at the very top. We arrived at our tree and began climbing it. Our techniques vary, but usually Connor and I climb our own ways to meet at the top of this tree. Sometimes people watch. Sometimes we talk about everything at the same time.
We meet at the top where we meet eyes and take a good look at our surroundings. Connor and I hold on to the branches around us.
Before I realize it Connor has jumped off the branch he’s standing on, off of the tree and on to the ground. I release myself from the branch I’m holding and jump off the tree as well, following Connor that’s running towards the school.
We get near Driftwood catching our breaths and decide to go to T-China for dumplings.
I got the yellow dumplings and so did Connor. We each got five. They taste so good. They have meat inside, a bit like shrimp and other meat. I always feel good whenever I eat them. There should be more dumplings in the world.